DM Disabler

Stop unwanted direct messages by automatically blocking DMs for everyone in the server, keeping scammers and bots at bay. Easy to setup: Invite and forget!

Even with direct messages disabled server-wide, friends can still DM each other, moderators can still DM members, and your Apps can still DM members.

Q: What permissions are required for a user to be considered a moderator?

A: According to Discord documentation, a user needs access to one of the following server settings to be considered a moderator: Administrator, Kick Members, Timeout Members, Ban Members, or Manage Server.

Commands list

  • /help - Shows the commands list

  • /disable-dms <true/false> - Permanently Enable/Disable DMs in this server

  • /disable-invites <true/false> - Permanently Enable/Disable invites in this server

  • /ping - Pong!

How do I stop getting these messages?

You have the option to select a specific channel for receiving these Activity Alerts or disable them entirely by accessing your server settings >> Safety Setup >> Raid Protection and CAPTCHA >> Edit

Within that menu, you have the option to select the channel where you wish to receive alerts, or you can choose to disable the alerts entirely.

How do I know that my server's DM are indeed disabled?

Admins and moderator of your server should see a banner on top of your Discord client that looks like this.

Last updated